Taylor, Matthew

Matthew Taylor
Instructor | College of Aeronautics
Affiliate Faculty | Nathan M. Bisk College of Business
Lt. Colonel USAF (ret.)
Contact Information
Personal Overview
Professor Taylor comes from a varied professional background. He spent 23 years serving in the US Air Force as a C-5 Instructor Pilot and an Admissions Liaison Officer (ALO) Director for the United States Air Force Academy. In addition, he spent 21 years as a commercial airline pilot for American Airlines with extensive involvement in international operations. Professor Taylor currently teaches multiple courses at the College of Aeronautics and has taught as an Adjunct with Nathan M. Bisk College of Business for 7 years. He is currently involved in the expansion of online learning courses with Purdue University and has contributed to designing the online learning format currently used by Flight Safety for the HJ-420 Honda Jet. Professor Taylor received a Bachelor of Science degree in International Affairs from the United States Air Force Academy in 1983 and a Master of Science in Management from the University of Maryland in 2013.
Educational Background
FAA Air Transport Pilot (ATP)
FAA Advanced Ground Instructor (AGI)
B.S., International Affairs, United States Air Force Academy
M.S., Management, University of Maryland
USAF, Air War College, Air University
USAF, Air Command and Staff College, Air University
USAF, Squadron Officer School, Air University
Professional Experience
3/2018 - Present Florida Institute of Technology
Instructor, Department of Aeronautics
Adjunct Professor, Nathan M. Bisk School of Business
10/2021 - Present Purdue University
Adjunct Professor, Undergraduate School of Aviation
11/2014 - Present New England College
Adjunct Professor, School of Graduate and Professional Studies
9/2013 – 12/2016 Manhattanville College
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Economics, Finance, Management
2/2014 – 06/2016 The State University of NY
Adjunct Professor, Continuing Education Department
Current Courses
AVM 3303 - Transportation Logistics
AVM 4303 - General Aviation Operations
AVM 4501 - Air Transportation Management
AVT 1001 - Aeronautics 1
AVT 1002 - Aeronautics 2
AVT 5301 - Complex Aviation Systems
EBA 3334 - Applied Decisions for Business
Licensed Federal Flight Deck Officer, Department of Homeland Security, 2007-2013
Knights of Columbus (3rd Degree)
Desert Storm Veteran