Patterson, Joy

Joy Patterson
Instructor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Arts and Communication
Contact Information
Educational Background
University of South Florida, B.A. English
Northwestern University, M.A., English
Florida Institute of Technology, M.S. Computer Education
Professional Experience
Prior to coming to Florida Tech, she taught for Schiller College and the University of Maryland in Germany, and at Brevard Community College, now Eastern Florida State College
Teacher of AP English Language and AP English Literature classes at Melbourne Central Catholic for 30 years and served as a Reader for the College Board for those exams.
Current Courses
College English Grammar
Rhetoric & Composition
Writing about Literature
Selected Publications
"Iron Man, a Chinese Epic Hero." Presented to the Asian Studies Development Program National Conference in Branson, Missouri, March 20, 2015.
Recognition & Awards
Educational Testing Service Appointment as Reader for Advanced Placement English Lit. Exams, 1994-2000
National Endowment of the Humanities Seminar: Transformations of Electra, 1994.
National Endowment of the Humanities Institute on Teaching Shakespeare, 1995.
Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year, 1996
NCTE Promising Young Writers Award Judge, (Florida) 1996-2000
NCTE Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines Judge, (Florida) 1999 – 2003
Educational Testing Service Appointment as Reader for Advanced Placement English Lang. Exams, 2001-2002
Fulbright-Hayes Study Trip to Malaysia and Indonesia, Summer 2004
Educational Testing Service Appointment as Reader for Advanced Placement English Lang. Exams, 2005-2009
Diocesan Teacher of the Year, 2011
Asian Studies Development Program, China Field Seminar: Northeast China, 2011